Existing registrants for either the online Prairie or International study guide are being encouraged to participate at no charge as part of their study guide purchase.
CCA sent an email out in early January to all active users letting them know about this opportunity to participate and engage in a live session, including questions/answers. Those interested must register at https://onlinestudyguide.prairiecca.ca/live-tutorials/ for anyone, or all, of the 4 date options.
Once their registration is received, the registrants will receive a confirmation email with details on how to connect to the online meeting. Reminder email automation is in place, after registering for the online live tutorials, an email reminder will be sent one week, one day and one hour before the event.
Please note, these online live tutorials are FREE for existing registrants to the online Prairie or International study guide, but they are not intended to be shared with others who are not registered for the exams.