CAAR is the National Voice for Ag Retailers
CAAR is the only national association representing the interests of and addressing critical issues facing ag retailers today and is entrenched in the issues that impact your business, making a difference for our ag retailer members.
CAAR’s 2020/21 Advocacy Efforts
This year alone CAAR has been actively defending and representing retailers regarding:
- Compliance: Changes to the Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG) regulations, Part 6: Training and Part 8: Reporting. Consulting on the Environmental Emergency Regulations. Updates to TDG and anhydrous ammonia-specific training. Regular alerts through member exclusive communications; urban creep.
- Fertilizer: Changes to the Ammonia Code of Practice. Significant changes to the B620 and B622 standards that govern anhydrous ammonia nurse tanks. Negotiating variances to Manitoba nutrient application restrictions.
- International Trade: Participating in the Maximum Residue Limits (MRL) Steering Committees and the Keep It Clean campaign.
- Sustainability: Multiple roundtables, steering committees, and discussion groups developing agricultural policy at the federal level to ensure retailers’ voice is heard.
2021/22 CAAR Membership Renewal Reminder
Last week, CAAR members received membership renewal information, we encourage all members to renew for the 2021/22 year. Don’t delay – membership renewals are due June 30, 2021.
As a member-driven and a not-for-profit association representing Canada’s ag retailers, every member makes a difference and strengthens the voice of CAAR and we look forward to continuing our relationship with all members in 2021.
If you have any questions or would like to discuss CAAR membership, programs or services in more detail, please feel free to reach out to Mitch Rezansoff, Executive Diretcor, at 204-989-9303.