Featuring the news and insight that is important to your industry, CAAR delivers this in a timely and relevant manner to readers nationwide:
The CAAR Communicator allows us to share stories on agronomics, technology and human resources, while also delivering essential news and highlighting our board of directors and members.
The caar.org website is the hub for all things ag retail, providing detailed information on CAAR services, the CAAR Conference, advocacy updates and membership and regulatory news.
The CAAR Network e-newsletter, delivered bi-weekly, is carefully curated to highlight the most important items from caar.org including CAAR conference announcements, industry news and regulatory updates as they develop.
Twitter (@CdnAgRetail) – connects our 1550+ followers with the latest carefully curated news online with easy links back to the website.
Member Alerts communicate time sensitive items, requests for industry feedback, regulation updates and important CAAR news.
In early 2021, CAAR partnered with Farms.com to provide communications and creative services to the organization. They bring extensive knowledge and experience in serving the agriculture industry and we look forward to partnering with them to enhance CAAR’s communications to its members and the industry.
Interested in print and/or digital advertising in one of CAAR’s publications? Contact Andrew Bawden with Farms.com, CAAR’s new communications partner to learn more about the marketing opportunities available to you.
P: 1-877-438-5729 ext. 5030
C: 519-282-8561
E: andrew.bawden@farms.com.
2021/22 CAAR Membership Renewal Reminder
CAAR members received membership renewal information at the beginning of June, we encourage all members to renew for the 2021/22 year. Don’t delay – membership renewals were due June 30, 2021.
As a member-driven and a not-for-profit association representing Canada’s ag retailers, every member makes a difference and strengthens the voice of CAAR and we look forward to continuing our relationship with all members in 2021.
If you have any questions or would like to discuss CAAR membership, programs or services in more detail, please feel free to reach out to Mitch Rezansoff , Executive Director at 204-989-9303.
The CAAR Staff and Board of Directors thank our members who renewed their membership for the 2021/22 year and continued their investment with CAAR!
Without the loyalty and support of our members, CAAR would not be able to continuously produce valuable programs and services as well as advocate on behalf of Canada’s ag retailers.
CAAR wants to recognize the support from our members, see below for a list of companies who have currently renewed their 2021/22 membership:
- Agrico Canada LP
- Border Chemical Company Ltd.
- Crop Management Network Inc.
- D & L Chapman Farms Ltd.
- Double Diamond Farm Supply
- Future Four Agro Inc.
- FWS Group of Companies
- Holmes Agro
- International Raw Materials Ltd.
- Meridian Manufacturing Inc.
- Norstar Industries Ltd.
- Paragon Ag Services
- Pulses Ag
- Rempel Insurance Brokers
- South Peace Distributors Ltd.
- Super Seed Inc.