CAAR saves you time and money with exclusive training programs, specifically catering to the needs of the agri-retailer.
Explore CAAR’s courses by using the links below.
- Anhydrous Ammonia: Retailer Safe Handling and TDG Certification
- Anhydrous Ammonia: Safety & The Farmer TDG Certification
- TDG Fundamentals: Retailer TDG Certification
- WHMIS 2015 Complete
- Nurse Tank Safety Program
- Investing in Certified Seed
- CCA Examiner
2021/22 CAAR Membership Renewal Reminder
CAAR members received membership renewal information at the beginning of June, we encourage all members to renew for the 2021/22 year. Don’t delay – membership renewals were due June 30, 2021.
As a member-driven and a not-for-profit association representing Canada’s ag retailers, every member makes a difference and strengthens the voice of CAAR and we look forward to continuing our relationship with all members in 2021.
If you have any questions or would like to discuss CAAR membership, programs or services in more detail, please feel free to reach out to Scott Van Alstyne, Sales and Marketing Manager at scott@caar.org or 204-989-9305.
The CAAR Staff and Board of Directors thank our members who renewed their membership for the 2021/22 year and continued their investment with CAAR!
Without the loyalty and support of our members, CAAR would not be able to continuously produce valuable programs and services as well as advocate on behalf of Canada’s ag retailers.
CAAR wants to recognize the support from our members, see below for a list of companies who have currently renewed their 2021/22 membership:
- AdFarm
- AgResource
- Agri Start Canada ULC
- Artic Fox Logistics
- Calcium Products
- Circle T Agra
- CMA Ag
- Harvex
- Koch Fertilizer
- Linear Grain
- Neerlandia Co-op
- NuFarm Agriculture Inc.
- Setter Manufacturing
- Soil Tech Services
- Taurus Ag Marketing Inc.
- TCO Agromart
- Winfield United
- Wood-Ko Farms ltd.