Through years of meetings, events and correspondence, CAAR has become a well known and respected face on Parliament Hill and with other industry groups.
To ensure that its membership continues to have a strong voice in the industry, here are some of the issues CAAR has recently been working on:
- MRL issue -CAAR strongly believes Canada needs to continue to advocate internationally for MRL harmonization based on modern science, and not move away from the standards set internationally. Our sector depends on international trade and harmonized MRLs are key to facilitate export of Canadian agricultural commodities.
- SGI Permit – the association has once again successfully renewed the SGI Letter of Approval to Anhydrous Ammonia or Fertilizer Distributors, expiring Dec. 31, 2022
- Open borders during the Covid-19 pandemic
- The need to ensure logistics between Canada and the United States remains open.
- Truck drivers crossing the border remain exempt from Covid-19 restrictions.
- Canadian Green Policies
- All farm inputs be exempt from carbon taxes including grain drying.
- Recognition of the past 20 years of technology adoption relating to increases of carbon sequestering, increasing organic matter.
- Recognition of the past 20 years of technology adoption relating to a significant reduction of soil erosion and GHG emissions.
- Support of the PMRA review of glyphosate as a product of minimal risk and non-cancer-causing contributor to human health when utilized at recommended label rates.
- Support the communication and transition of pesticide container collection and recycling initiatives from municipal collection sites to retail sites. Targeting Alberta and Manitoba.
- Challenging the need for more PMRA oversight through the appointment of a pesticide review panels.
- Challenging the strategic direction and alignment of EU agriculture policy adoption in Canada. Resulting in objectives to reduce synthetic fertilizer use and pesticides and increasing the support of organic production as a means to address climate change.
- Updates and review of the Transport Canada Section 1.24 Anhydrous Ammonia Exemption regulations to ensure proposed changes do not burden the retails and farmers.
As a member-driven and a not-for-profit association representing Canada’s ag retailers, every member makes a difference and strengthens the voice of CAAR and we look forward to continuing our relationship with all members in 2022.
If you would like to become more involved in CAAR advocacy issues, of if you have any questions about our advocacy initiatives, please feel free to reach out to Mitch Rezansoff, Executive Direct at mitch@caar.org or 204-989-9303.