Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA), under the authority of the Pest Control Products Act, is granting registration for the sale and use of Rinskor Active, Milestone NXT Herbicide, Restore NXT Herbicide, GF-3206 Herbicide, GF-3301 Aquatic Herbicide and ProcellaCOR FX Herbicide, containing the technical grade active ingredient florpyrauxifen-benzyl, for weed management in hazelnut and non-agricultural/industrial vegetation management including many invasive species, as well as for aquatic vegetation management to control invasive plants both in and around water.
A group called EcoJustice objected to the approval of the pesticides on several basis. PMRA addressed each of the objections and concerns when publishing the approval.
The relevant confidential test data on which the decision is based (as referenced in PRD2022-17) are available for public inspection upon application in the PMRA’s Reading Room. For more information, please contact the PMRA’s Pest Management Information Service.
Any person may file a notice of objection regarding the registration decision within 60 days from publication date. For more information regarding the basis for objecting (which must be based on scientific grounds), please refer to the Pesticides section of the Canada.ca website (Request a Reconsideration of Decision) or contact the Pest Management Information Service.
Under the authority of the Pest Control Products Act, pesticides must be assessed before they are sold or used in Canada to determine that they do not pose unacceptable risks to humans or the environment and have value when used according to the label instructions. The pre-market assessment considers available data and information from pesticide registrants, published scientific reports, other governments, and international regulatory agencies, as well as comments received during public consultations. Health Canada applies internationally accepted current risk assessment methods as well as risk management approaches and policies.