This week-long initiative is delivered by the Canadian Agricultural Safety Association (CASA) to promote farm safety across the country. Farm safety is about more than just being aware of hazards. It’s about having meaningful conversations that reflect on the importance of farm safety — that’s where ag retailers can help, by reminding farmers of the safety precautions they need to take.
Your Farm, Your Family, Your Success is a three-year campaign celebrating farm safety across Canada. In 2022, the aim of the campaign is to inspire farmers, farm families, and farming communities to value #FarmSafetyEveryday.
Be part of the conversation by showing the VALUE of farm safety. It’s about making long-term changes that benefit all who live and work on or visit Canadian farms.
We all share the same public roadways. That’s why road safety is everyone’s responsibility, no matter the type of vehicle. Remind your own team that road safety is important, and remind farmers as well.
Farmers and farm equipment operators need to take time to inspect machinery before heading out on the road. Farm machinery must be visible to other drivers. So, check that each light is working, and your slow-moving vehicle sign is visible.
Top tips for driving safely with agriculture equipment
- It’s best practice to use side roads instead of highways whenever possible, given the size and limited speed of farm machinery. Before heading out on the road, take time to plan your route.
- Ensure that all loads are secure and that your equipment won’t leave debris on roadways or send projectiles towards motorists.
- Make sure your equipment has reflective materials and a Slow-Moving Vehicle (SMV) sign that are in good condition and visible. Be sure to replace these items as needed. Take care to check that all lights, beacons, and turn signals are clean and working properly before operating on any roadway.
- Use signals whenever you turn or change lanes.
- Know the width and height of your equipment and adjust mirrors as needed. This will help to ensure safe travel and clearance with potential obstructions such as road signs, overhead lines, and bridges.
- If you’ll be transporting oversized loads/equipment or have to travel on highspeed roadways, use a pilot vehicle whenever possible. (NOTE: Some provinces have requirements regarding pilot vehicles, while others do not. Check with your provincial highway traffic legislation to verify requirements in your area.)
- Always wear a seatbelt when operating a tractor or other agricultural equipment.
- Keep in mind that anyone operating agricultural machinery on public roadways must possess a valid driver’s license and comply with traffic laws.
Remember that we all share the same public roadways. And that means we all have a responsibility to help ensure everyone makes it home safely. More farm health and safety tips are available at agsafetyweek.ca.