How are sustainability, AI and machine learning impacting the ag [...]
Canadian farmers are on the front lines of climate change. They are already taking action to improve resilience and enhance profitability while reducing emissions, according to a recent report from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC).
Consultations on the new Sustainable Agriculture Strategy (SAS) have begun, led by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC). Two virtual roundtables remain.
CAAR members can have a significant impact on farmers and the safety practices they follow. This week is Canadian Agricultural Safety Week (CASW).
Consultations on the new Sustainable Agriculture Strategy (SAS) have begun, led by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC). It is important that the voice ag retailers and their farm customers be heard.
The Honourable Marie-Claude Bibeau, Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, recently unveiled a modern new refresh of the Canada Brand program, plus a digital toolkit to help Canadian agriculture and agri-food businesses showcase their products in global markets.
On November 11, 2021, Canada’s federal, provincial and territorial (FPT) Ministers of Agriculture wrapped up their annual conference by issuing a shared vision via the so-called “Guelph Statement”.