Fertilizer Canada Renews Hours of Service Exemption Permit

Fertilizer Canada reports that the permit has been approved and carriers in Manitoba that wish to use it can now apply to Manitoba Transportation and Infrastructure.

According to Fertilizer Canada, an application will be made available on Manitoba Transportation and Infrastructure’s website in the near future.  In the meantime, carriers looking to apply immediately should follow the process below:

  1. Request an application by sending an email to hosexemptions@gov.mb.ca with the subject of the email in the following format: Provincial Fertilizer Hours of Service Permit – carriers Name and NSC # Example: Provincial Fertilizer Hours of Service Permit – Fake Trucking Ltd, MB12345678
  2. Complete and return the application. The application for the provincial carriers is the same as the federal carriers so they will be required to provide the same documentation such as Carrier Profile, SFC, Copies of their FMP and TDG training program for new applications and a list of all the equipment and drivers. They will also be required to provide a list of the managers and dispatchers who will be monitoring Hours of Service and confirm they have had HOS training and FMP Training.
  3. Once the application is processed, the carrier will be sent a permit that will need to be in each vehicle that is operating under the permit.

If there are any questions or concerns, please contact Katherine Kennedy at Fertilizer Canada.